Erratum to immediate breast volume replacement using a free dermal fat graft after breast cancer surgery: multi-institutional joint research of short-term outcomes in 262 Japanese patients
In the April 2015 issue of Gland Surgery, the original article “Immediate breast volume replacement using a free dermal fat graft after breast cancer surgery: multi-institutional joint research of short-term outcomes in 262 Japanese patients” (1) was published with some errors.
Some data in the table with the title “Postoperative complications” of that article are incorrect, and should be corrected as follow (Table 2).

Full table
Also, the data in “Postoperative complications in the donor site (Table 2)” section should be corrected as follow: Complications in the donor site were observed in 114 cases only. Thirty-nine patients (34.2%) felt comfortable or good with their new body image, 71 (62.3%) felt that their appearance was acceptable, and 4 (3.5%) felt that it was unacceptable at the donor site.
The authors regret the errors.
- Kijima Y, Koriyama C, Fujii T, et al. Immediate breast volume replacement using a free dermal fat graft after breast cancer surgery: multi-institutional joint research of short-term outcomes in 262 Japanese patients. Gland Surg 2015;4:179-94. [PubMed]