Breast magnetic resonance imaging: non-mass-like enhancement
Non-mass-like enhancement (NMLE) refers to lesions with abnormal enhancement larger than focus but without space-occupying effect characteristics. Notably, it is often mentioned as “non-mass-like enhancement” rather than “non-mass lesion”. Different from mass, NMLE can have stippled or patchy normal gland tissues or fat inside it. NMLE should be described from its morphology and internal enhancement pattern (Figures 1,2).

Distribution modifiers of NMLE
The distribution modifiers of NMLE include focal area, linear, ductal, segmental, regional, multiple regional, and diffuse (Figures 3-23).

Focal area A ‘focal’ area of a NMLE would typically be defined as a single, small and confined abnormal enhancing area occupying less than 25% of a given breast quadrant. An area of ‘focal’ NMLE will quite often have fat or normal glandular tissue interspersed between the abnormally enhancing components.
Ductal A linear or linear branching which follows one or more ducts. Usually these patterns will radiate towards the nipple. It can be smooth or irregular, usually suggestive of breast cancer.
Linear A ‘linear’ enhancement pattern involves enhancement along a ‘line’, but one not conforming to a ductal pattern. A linear enhancement pattern when seen on a three dimensional image will appear as a line on one section and as a ‘sheet’ on another, or may extend across the breast.
Segmental A non-mass-like contrast enhanced MRI breast lesion is described as ‘segmental’ when it appears in a cone or triangle shape, with an apex at the nipple. A segmentally enhanced non-mass-like lesion will usually represent the substantial involvement of a single branching duct system. It may be shown as ductal enhancement on thin-slice high-resolution scan.
Regional When a contrast enhanced MRI of a breast lesion is described as ‘regional’, this implies the involvement of a broader area, and typically not conforming to a ductal or segmental distribution. Usually, regional enhancement is patchy or ‘geographic’ (almost like a map) in appearance, and will lack convex borders.
Multiple regions Contrast enhanced breast MRIs are described as ‘multiple’ if there are at least two or more large volumes of tissues and are separated by either normal breast tissues or fat. Generally speaking, both diffuse and multiple regions of MRI contrast enhancement will tend to represent benign proliferative changes such as mammary gland hyperplasia. However, it is not uncommon for multicentric breast carcinoma to also show a multiple distribution.
Diffuse An enhancement pattern may be described as ‘diffuse’ if there are widely scattered yet more-or-less evenly distributed enhancements appearing through the breast fibroglandular tissue.
Internal enhancement features
The internal enhancement of NMLE can be divided into homogeneous, heterogeneous, stippled, clumped, and reticular/dendritic (Figures 24-32).

Homogeneous enhancement refers to confluent uniform enhancement, which is rare in NMLE, because the latter often contains fat or gland tissues, which tend to be heterogeneous enhancement that has nonuniform enhancement in a random pattern.
Stippled enhancement refers to multiple, punctuate, similar appearing enhancing foci, sand-like or dot-like. They are scattered in the mammary gland, not just confined to the ductal system. It is usually characteristic for normal parenchima or fibrocystic changes.
Clumped enhancement refers to cobblestone-like enhancement, with occasional confluent areas. In some parts it can show the grape-like clusters or has beaded appearance, which is often suggestive of DCIS.
Reticular/dendritic enhancement “Reticular/dendritic” enhancement occurs in the breast that has undergone some glandular tissue involution leaving strands of breast tissue among strands of fat. MRI shows distorted trabecular-like thickening and shortened normal finger-like structures. The Cooper ligaments in the normal breast tissue gradually become thinner, while in breast tissue with the reticular/dendritic enhancement, the fibrous glandular tissue becomes thicker, distorted or shrunk, resulting in the loss of its scalloped border with the surrounding adipose tissue.
NMLE needs to be differentiated from multiple masses; furthermore, the different descriptions for NMLE itself are also confusing. NMLE in many cases can not be easily differentiated from mass, especially multiple masses. According to our experiences, the space-occupying effect can be used as a key indicator in the differential diagnosis: NMLE on T1WI shows no obvious fat or fiber glands suppression; the lesion is confined within certain space, although it may contain adipose tissue or normal glandular tissue.
Focus and stippled enhancement have different enhancement phases and sizes; meanwhile, their amount and distribution also show characteristic variations. Focus/foci show obvious enhancement during the early arterial phase, with a diameter of 5mm or less. Stippled enhancement is more obvious during the delayed phase; it is only slightly enhanced or non-enhanced during the early arterial phase. It is hard to different focus/foci from stippled enhancement during the delayed phase because focus/foci show increasingly enlarged enhancement during this phase. Furthermore, focus/foci are more scattered and independent in terms of amount and distribution, while stippled lesions can be distributed in focal, regional, or segmental pattern. For example, “a1 cm FOCAL AREA of STIPPLED enhancement” might describe a small region of fibrocysticchange. For management modes, stippled enhancement is classified as BI-RADS-MRI Category 2, whereas focus/foci as Category 3.
BI-RADS-MRI lexicon defines the “clumped enhancement” as “cobblestone-like enhancement of multiple masses, with occasionalconfluent areas”; therefore, the “clumped enhancement” needs to be differentiated from multiple masses. In our opinion, if the masses are not spatially continuous or independent, they can be treated as “multiple masses”; if the masses present certain spatial continuity and show the grape-like clusters or has beaded appearance in some parts, they can be treated as “clumped NMLE”.
Lesions with NMLE should be reconstructed and visualized on multiple views during MRI. Some lesions may present as regional distribution on one view and as segmental distribution on another view; in fact, a segmental distribution is more suggestive of malignancy (Figures 33,34).

Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest.