
New Impact Factor for Gland Surgery: 1.5

Published: 2024-06-24

We are pleased to announce that Gland Surgery (GS) has attained its latest impact factor update for the 2023 citation year: 1.5 (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Journal Impact Factor of GS

The Gland Surgery (Gland Surg; GS, Print ISSN 2227-684X; Online ISSN 2227-8575), launched in May 2012, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal published monthly (quarterly published from 2012 to 2014 and bimonthly published from 2015~2020). GS has been indexed by PubMed/PubMed Central (PMC) in 2014 and Science Citation Indexed Expanded (SCIE) in 2018. It aims at providing cutting-edge findings and practical information on diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of gland diseases, such as breast, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas surgery and other related fields. Dedicated to the understanding and treatment of gland diseases, this multidisciplinary periodical publishes articles that describe basic, translational and clinical research of gland disease from a range of fields as biomarkers, imaging, pathology, biology and interventional radiology, and etc. Readers can expect to gain new insights into diagnosis, therapeutic approaches and prognosis of gland diseases.

We strive to follow the best practices in publishing. The release of the journal’s latest impact factor is not only a significant achievement for the journal but also the recognition of its more significant scientific reach. Here, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our editorial team members, guest editors, authors, and reviewers for their significant contributions.

We look forward to the continuous cooperation with all the individuals mentioned above and those who are interested in gland disease to bring more exciting content to readers in the coming future.

Editorial Office
Gland Surgery
June 20, 2024